Monday 21 January 2013

Multiplayer Gamemodes

These are all of the multiplayer gamemodes in Black Ops 2! There are 4 main types of gamemodes, and a bonus gamemode for people who bought the game pre-ordered, which will be listed below!


Team Deathmatch
Normal Team Deathmatch, in which there are two teams with a maximum of 6 vs 6. First team to 75 total kills wins. 

Multi Team
Team Deathmatch, except with 3 teams. Enjoy!

Mercenary Moshpit
A variety of different gamemodes. Great if you wanna play loads of different gamemodes but hate searching for servers.

Everyone against everyone. There are no teams in this gamemode, and first to 30 kills wins!

One of the best gamemodes for getting loads of XP. Capture flags and hold them to gain score for your team. You get bonus points for killing people who are defending their flag, capturing your flag or whilst you are capturing a flag.

Ground War
These are massive games of Team Deathmatch and Domination. They go up to a maximum of 9 vs 9!

In this gamemode, there are two bombing sites and two teams: one team have to plant the bomb into one of the bombing sites, and the other team has to stop them by either killing enemy players or defusing any planted bombs.

Kill Confirmed
One of the best gamemodes for getting loads of XP. Normal Team Deathmatch, except you only get 50 score for a kill, and enemies will drop Dog Tags. Picking up a Gold Dog Tag gives you 100 score, and picking up a Red Dog Tag gives you 25 score. You get gold tags from people you kill, and red tags from any other kills that enemies/others have done.

One of the best gamemodes for getting loads of XP. The aim is to stay within the area where the Hardpoint is marked out, and you will get points for doing so. You get bonus points for getting kills whilst in the Hardpoint, and for capping the Hardpoint.

Capture the intel, which is basically a laptop sitting on a Care Package. The aim is to keep capturing the Headquarters and keeping it (sort of like Domination with 1 flag).

Capture the Flag
Basic CTF; each team has a flag, the aim is to capture the enemies flag and return it to your flag's position.

Search and Destroy
Two teams: one team has the bomb (which only one person can take) and one team has solely their weapons. The aim is for the bombing team to plant the bomb without the other team defusing it. If the bomb gets defused, the other team win. You do not respawn when you die, so if all of one team dies, the other team will win.


Hardcore Team Deathmatch
Team Deathmatch, except the HUD is limited, there is more bullet damage and friendly fire is enabled.

Hardcore Free-For-All
Free-For-All, except the HUD is limited, there is more bullet damage, friendly fire is enabled and you play on the smallest maps only.

Hardcore Search and Destroy
Search and Destroy, except the HUD is limited, there is more bullet damage and friendly fire is enabled.

Hardcore Capture the Flag
Capture the Flag, except the HUD is limited, there is more bullet damage and friendly fire is enabled.


Combat Training is unlocked up until Level 10. You play against other people under Level 10, and against AI-controlled robots (making it a lot easier to get kills). You cannot complete challenges in Combat Training and nothing is saved to your Combat Record.


Gun Game
There are 20 guns: you have to get a kill with every single one. First person to get a kill with every gun wins!

One in the Chamber
You get a pistol with 1 bullet and your knife. Killing another player will give you 1 bullet. The bullets are insta-kill and each player has 3 lives. Last man standing wins.

The same as Gun Game, except guns switch every 45 seconds instead.

Sticks and Stones
You get the Crossbow, the Ballistic Knife and a Combat Axe. Every kill gets you 10 score, and getting a Combat Axe kill makes the victim lose any score they had earned so far. Highest scorer at the end wins.


Players who pre-ordered the game got Nuketown 2025. This map is basically a more modern version of Nuketown (a Black Ops 1 map).

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